
Website Hosting & Maintanance

Website Hosting & Maintanance

Website hosting is basically referred to a service that enables individuals and organizations to make their websites accessible to others on internet. This service is offered by a website hosting company, who basically allots some space and bandwidth to a user. There are several different types of website hosting that could be beneficial for you but it is important that you know what sort of website you want to create before you start making any major decisions. It is really important for the website hosting business owners as well as for the end users to know what the web hosting service should offer and which facilities should be included in a good plan.

Website maintenance is an activity designed to keep a website running smoothly. It may be done on a regular basis, or scheduled as needed. In some cases, access to the website may be temporarily restricted while maintenance is performed, in which case a notice may be sent to users ahead of time to make them aware of the fact that the site will not be available during a specific time period on a particular day. One reason to perform maintenance is to update the website. It is important to keep information up to date and to make sure that the systems used to run the site are also current. Having the latest programs on the backend will keep the website more secure, in addition to allowing people to keep up with changes

  • We provide Ample Disk Space and Storage
  • Worry-Free Uptime Reliability
  • Check for broken links
  • Regular website backups
  • Updates to any plugins and CMS upgrades
  • Content updates
  • Bug fixes
  • Analytical reporting
  • General search engine optimization
Web Hosting is a service taken to make your website accessible over the internet. You pay an annual fee towards the same and we ensure that your website is accessible over the internet throughout the year.
Website maintenance is an annual fee to keep your website updated with the content provided by you throughout the year. You may avail our maintenance services by simply contacting us at any of the given no's or simply by writing us at info@accelsharp.com
Yes, we are a one stop shop for web solutions. Starting from domain registration to Server hosting to website designing to finally promoting the website on leading Search Engines.
PG is basically a system of financial transaction on the Internet. It involves the merchant's acquiring bank, the customer, and the payment gateway infra structure provider (for e.g. PayPal).